Posted by FRANCK


New and final question: How do I add an automatic calendar next to the input field to assist in the selection of a date.

thank you
Posted by Tom

I assume you already know how to setup the date calender on a regular input box like this.
<input id='some-id' type='text' name='some-name' />
To use the date calendar on an input box, you need to assign an id to the input box and refer it to the date calendar. If you don't know how, please read the manual of the date calendar. Now, your question boils down to how to add the id to a search box. And here is how:
<?php echo $hm->Zb('sp:def:your_field_name', ZB_ATTR, array( "id" => "enter-your-id-here" ) ); ?>
Please replace "enter-your-id-here" with your id.