Posted by Michael

Hi Tom.

I have modified your form and would like to know if it is possible to send a copy of the inquiry form to the person filling it out. I noticed different settings including Cc: Bcc: etc.
That way both of us would receive the email. Or at worse have it send email to the user and just update the database at our end. Thanks
Posted by Tom

>if it is possible to send a copy of the inquiry form to the person filling it out.

Open web/form/app/ and find the following lines
//-- [BEGIN] Send email
if ( !$this->SendRegEmail( $def,
) ) break;
//-- [END] Send email
Put ,"email" after "$this->config_email" like
//-- [BEGIN] Send email
if ( !$this->SendRegEmail( $def,
) ) break;
//-- [END] Send email
I assumed the name of the field that the visitor entered his email in is "email"
If the field name is say "myemail", then the code should look like
//-- [BEGIN] Send email
if ( !$this->SendRegEmail( $def,
) ) break;
//-- [END] Send email