Posted by Mike

Hey Tom - great script, thank you! I have one question regarding the location of the tbase folder. I have two sites that I would like to share the poll data. Is there any way to use a full URL for the location of the "tbase" folder? I tried changing the PATH_TBASE variable in the ajax_poll.php but I get a "data folder[tbase] is not writable" error even though I have given the folder full write permissions:

define( 'PATH_TBASE', '' );

Posted by Tom

Hi Mike,

>Is there any way to use a full URL for the location of the "tbase" folder?

Sorry, It's not programmed for the full URL. It's still possible to achieve it if you don't mind digging into the code related to tbase. Even if you correctly modify the code, however, most website rental services don't allow you to write files remotely. You should make sure that you can read/write remote files before starting modifying it, or you would waste your precious time!