Posted by Will

Hi Tom,

I am another happy user of your script.

I have three different products in three different folders. Depending on what Paypal returns one of those is automatically emailed to the buyer as an attachment.

I want to add a second attachment to the email the buyer receives. This second attachment is a bonus item that is always the same.

What can I do with your code to achieve this?

Thanks, greetings.
Posted by Tom

Hi Will,
Open web/ipn/sublcass/, add the following line:
$pi['files'][] = "--path-to-the-bonus-file-here--";
The result should look like:
//-- [BEGIN] Modify the contents of $pi (ProductInfo)

// Write your code here
$pi['files'][] = "--path-to-the-bonus-file-here--";

//-- [END] Modify the contents of $pi (ProductInfo)