Posted by Brandon Smith

Hi Tom! I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. I work for a police department who is using this on their website as a database for phone numbers and records of people. I am helping them set this system up and have loved every bit of it and praised this site/script to our administration. My question is, all of the officers have access under "Staff" and I have "Administrator" access to the customer list. I was wondering if there is a way so that I am the only one who can edit/add/delete records and the other officers can see my entries into the customer list? If this is possible I would love to know. Right now we all can edit/add/delete.
Posted by Tom

Hi Brandon,

To prevent non-administrators from adding/editing/deleting records, open web/staff/app/cls_ps_(--table-name--).inc.php and add
if ( !$this->sys->IsAdmin() ) exit;
case 'edit_inp':
The result should look like:
case 'edit_inp': if ( !$this->sys->IsAdmin() ) exit;
Do the same for the following lines, too.
case 'edit_done':
case 'reg_inp':
case 'reg_done':
case 'del_multi':