Posted by Brandon Smith

Okay Tom I will post the question here. It might be a tricky one and I'm not sure quite how to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The police department loves your system as a in-house database and has made our jobs 100 times better. Our question is 2 parts to make this database run completely efficiently. Right now anyone we come in contact with on a normal day is imputed into the system and we fill out the required fields that we have selected during install. Our "notes" section is very long and takes up several lines so the other officers can see what was done with that particular incident. Is there anyway to make it where on the scroll bar instead of viewing the notes and taking up a large amount of room we can provide a "Click here for notes" link and a separate pop-up box would come up with all the notes? If you understand what I am trying to do.
Posted by Tom

>we can provide a "Click here for notes" link and a separate pop-up box would come up with all the notes?

You can do it with javascript. There are many jQuery popup libraries out there, which allow you to open a text in a popup window. For more information about jquery popups, please google "jquery popup window"