Posted by Kim

Its pretty easy to add extra pages is you make copies of the type of page you want (Search, Detail, Login etc.) I have several tables and copied the search page to create different search pages for each table. I copied the About page to make a straight HTML help page and have added upload pages for replacing the data in my tables. I use the Staff table to define Admin and Regular users which I use to provide different access to the site (different menu items/pages visible.)
If you want to make changes to portions of the existing pages you can also adjust some of the include files or make your own (I added a simple HTML graph that shows between the Search and Results sections of the Search pages. Using Javascript I can make toggle the graph on and off.
I copied the page type I wanted and copied some of the other related files and ensured the names matched. The file names need to match and some info in the files will need to be changed to match the new file names. You will also need to add information to some of the files to include your new files and you will probably need to add some Defines for your new files. I am not using the edit online feature as the data is coming from an external source for viewing only. But you should update all the related files if you use this. Some files you will need to look at:
I don't have the info in front of me so I am just listing these from my head. There are others.
The Include folder contains the menu files that will need to be updated to add your pages to the main menu.
hope this is helpful.
