Posted by Eric

Thanks for the modification of json_decode. However, this produces a short and simple message: 'ERROR unknown '. Could it be that your scripts should be placed on an actual server not on my PC using XAMPP?
Posted by Tom

OK, then there must still be some other issues. I'll install XAMPP over weekend and see if there are any differences in the json_decode function. I'll get back to you in a couple of days. Later.
Posted by Tom

Hi, I tested the script with XAMPP(PHP v5.4.19). Surprisingly, it didn't show any error message. It may be due to the slight difference in the PHP version. So, I couldn't get any clue about the error you encountered. But here is a good news.
The error message, "IPN handler did not return array: " is for the developer like me and not really indicating any execution error. When I released the script, I partially disabled the error message but left it in the code just in case I need it later. The bottom line is that you can safely remove it from the code. It's located at the line 110 in web\sim\include\ Please comment it out to suppress the error message.
//$sim_ret[_ERR_KEY_] = "IPN handler did not return array: " . $ipn_ret;