Posted by sammi

thanks for the nice work~ Have modified the form to suit for our needs , very nice to add/remove/copy fields...

However, there are 2 points that I have no idea how to make it.

1) for the enquiry, how can I skip page2 confirmation, just save the record from the page 1 upon the button is clicked?

2) there are some field which is not necessary enquiry form, however when I later would like to modify the record, the fields is needed in the (search detail page), I try different option (rlog)(sp)(fd).... etc, but it does work.

Can any one advise?Thanks!
Posted by Tom

Hi sammi,

(1) Sorry, there isn't an easy way.
(2) Remove all of (g_xxxxx...) from the fields that you want hide on the form. Also you need to remove the corresponding fields from the form template.